Letter to the Editor

The American majority is the minority.

The Republican Party has been, since 2007, firmly in the control of a vast and powerful network of oligarchs formed by the Koch brothers in the 1970s. While the Democratic Party does not have an organized opposition oligarchy, may lawmakers accept huge donations from other special interests and become beholding to their agendas. In short, we are not a democracy where the majority rules, we are ruled by a minority. Until the majority wakes up and quits fighting each other and unites to take the lure of riches out of politics we will continue to descend into further inequality, frustration and division. We must find politicians who seek to serve their country rather than riches, just as there are numerous Americans who serve in the military where they know there are no riches to be gained, but a protection of our way of life.

"...a government which is composed of the middle class more nearly approximates to democracy than to oligarchy, and is the safest of the imperfect forms of government." Aristotle, 323 BCE.

Oren W. Piper

Siloam Springs

Editorial on 10/18/2017