Letter to the Editor

While you're at the splash pad

Could you please take a moment -- when you're visiting the splash pad with your kids -- and walk them over to the KIA Memorial?

It's only about 30 or so feet away. I wish it was further because in my mind this sort of place requires a little solitude. Though evidently "we" had to also have room for the Farmer's Market in the green space. But again I ask you to spend just a moment to show the kids the names on the stone, the emblems of the military services and the flags, and explain why they are there. Because, you see, more than the politician, the planner, the architect; more than the national and local leaders, the taxpayers, the workmen, etc., these are the people you should thank for being able to enjoy Memorial Park.

They were the ones who answered the call, who joined up or were drafted (you might explain that to the kids too) and went overseas to protect our nation, our values and our future. They might not have been excited about it, they certainly missed their loved ones and families, all the happy days they'd left behind; but they went! And consequently they never came home. I personally knew several of those guys, I heard about others and I am grateful every day for the sacrifice they made. You see, they gave their future to ensure yours.

I know we're busy, I know we have other things to do, but again, take a moment, do a little educating and thank those veterans for the sacrifice they made. You see they were the ones who paid the price for all you and I have today. And we owe them. Some gave all.

Charles Foreman

Siloam Springs

Editorial on 07/03/2019