RELIGION: In God we trust

In our Pledge of Allegiance we say, " nation under God..." That phrase was added during a time when atheistic communism was threatening America. But today that slogan rings hollow. Is America still one nation under God? Another slogan, "In God we trust," is on all of our coins as a national motto. Looking at the turmoil lately, is it still true?

The biblical words of blessing, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," were spoken about ancient Israel. This blessing was in contrast to other nations who had false gods, not the God of the Bible. As nations have multiplied (about 200 now) some honor the God of the Bible. Others were founded on secular humanism. Others were rooted in ethnic or tribal identities. Some came to exist due to an accident of geography or a linguist commonality. Wars led the United Nations to set boundaries that created new arbitrary countries. Some nations totally deny any Deity. They are officially atheistic, like communist China or North Korea. Surprisingly, Russia (the former Soviet Union) is now friendly toward Christianity and makes room for God, the Bible, and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Reality is greater than what can be seen. Behind every political entity or country there is an invisible spiritual reality sustaining it, empowering it, and upholding it. Do you think Kim Jung Un is the dictator of North Korea because he is a brilliant leader, a great philosopher, or a charismatic speaker? He is none of those things. He is a puppet on a string, ruled by a demonic principality, a spirit-being who controls his thinking and injects fear into the North Korean population through this evil strongman. One reason Kim Jung Un hates Christians and the Bible is that he knows preaching the gospel can deliver people from demonic deception. They become free to think for themselves, believe in God, and be followers of Christ. Jesus' truth sets people free. What spiritual power do you think is upholding America? Are we on our own?

Because ancient Israel served God, they enjoyed blessings and protections. That is, until they turned away from God. Then their enemies oppressed them. The modern state of Israel, while having a similarity to the nation described in the Old Testament, is in many ways, a secular state. In fact, many rabbis who teach in its synagogues are atheists. They never read the scriptures of their own prophets. They have no idea their nation once rejected the Messiah. On the other hand, Christians know more about the Messiah Jesus than Israelis, and Christians read more of the Old Testament (plus the New Testament) than do most rabbis.

One characteristic of any person or nation that honors God is respect for the rule of law. You see, heaven has a throne. Christ has a kingdom. He governs people. He rules by his voice and he issues decrees. Rebels remain lawless but His followers respect law and order, show kindness to strangers, honor the elderly, are patient with the weak, avoid fighting, stealing, or violence. They don't murder, riot, loot, intimidate, threaten, or bully. They don't make children fearful, or assault the innocent, or resist the police. They want to please God.

When a majority of any country is Christian, the whole nation is lifted up. Its culture has the traits of a godly community. It is a city set on a hill where the people live right and can possess God's joy. The evidence today strongly suggests Americans need to repent and return to God.

--Ron Wood is a retired pastor and author. Contact him at [email protected] or visit or follow him at Touched By Grace on Facebook. The opinions expressed are those of the author.